Northern Cape Online Casinos
The largest province in South Africa. The smallest population. The Northern Cape is a vast and often barren expanse that borders Namibia and Botswana. It has two major centres, Kimberley and Upington, and relies on various mining and agriculture industries for its revenue.
Tourism to the Northern Cape is not huge although the annual Namaqua Daisies flowering draws huge attention for those who want to see incredibly natural beauty in a very inhospitable area.
Kimberley is probably the most famous town in the Northern Cape due to its fame as a diamond hotspot. The diamond fever that drew thousands looking for fame and fortune, and left a few with their names indelibly carved into the history (De Beers, Rhodes, Barney Barnato) also left behind an insane testament to the rush for riches that turned a small farm into the centre of the diamond-mining world: the Big Hole (or Groot Gat in Afrikaans), one of the deepest holes excavated by hand in the world.
The Northern Cape is also famous for some of its extreme weather. Vioolsdrif in the north is officially one of the hottest places in South Africa with a record high of 47º C (117º F) being recorded in 2015 and Sutherland being one of the coldest places in South Africa with an average low sitting around -10º in winter.
Sadly, these extremes don’t extend into the casino world and there are only two on offer that are worth your time: Flamingo Casino and Desert Palace.
Flamingo Casino in Bloemfontein is themed after the historic diamond rush that created the town and is situated in a stunning Victorian-looking building. It offers slots and table gaming and has a small but impressive salon privé for those who want to pretend that are diamond barons.
Desert Palace Hotel and Casino Resort has to be seen. Seriously. Do a Google Map search. It is literally an oasis in the desert. With a golf course.
Desert Palace is just outside Upington and a few kilometres from the Orange River but, if you didn’t know where you were, you would swear you were in the middle of the Karoo with no civilisation around. Apart from the very impressive and hi-tech casino that is.
But for the thousands that call the Northern Cape home, the vast distances between their only casino options and themselves does not mean that they can’t enjoy their favourite slots and table games from wherever they are. Online casinos are a huge deal in South Africa, and online casinos for Northern Cape players are just waiting to give you an unbelievable experience. You can get your own diamond experience at these online casinos as recommended by Online South Africa Casino Reviewers: